CME Credits

Does this conference count towards CME Credits?

Yes. This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for DUBAI HEALTH AUTHORITIES (DHA).

When and how do get CME credits?

A: CME instructions will be provided to attendees at the conference. Attendees will need to attend all the sessions and a number of the workshops in order to achieve the full CME accreditation certificate. Full details of the CME accreditation scheme will be available at the congress abstract book distributed at the registration desk.

When and how will I get my certificate?

A: After the event, go to the congress website and fill the available survey with your email and ID used in the registration, and then you will receive your CME certificate online.


Is it possible to register on-site?

Yes, on-site registration will be available at the registration desk.

What is the price of Registration

The registration fees can be found on the website (individual registration subtitle at the top menu). Please make sure to verify the date to identify the correct price.

Can someone who is accompanying me have access to the conference without a badge?

Accompanying Person must register.

What is included in the registration fees?

Included in the registration fee is: Admission to the Opening Ceremony, Unlimited Access to all Scientific Sessions, Access to the Exhibitions, One (1) Congress Bag, Coffee Breaks, Lunch Coupon for Friday and Saturday (Lunch will be ONLY offered inside the Summit symposium hall) , Free Wifi and a Certificate of Attendance.


What are the accepted methods of payment?

The accepted methods of payment are; cash, visa, masterCard, online payment and bank transfer.


Can I have a detailed receipt of the fees paid for the conference?

Yes you can on the registration desk.


Food and Beverage

Is breakfast included?

Those who have a hotel accommodation are entitled to the hotel’s breakfast, for those who don’t have a hotel accommodation, breakfast symposium and Meet the Professor Sessions include breakfast. However, breakfast is not provided outside of those sessions and is not included in the price of registration.

Is lunch included in the registration fee?

Registered colleagues have lunch access for Friday & Saturday, yet the Lunch will be available ONLY inside the main meeting hall & during the summit symposium on each day.

Where can I go to eat for dinner?

Your sponsor will be responsible to arrange dinner for you, in case you are an individual registrar , the delegate at the registration desk will help you to allocate a suitable nearby restaurant as per your convenience.


Do I need a Visa or an eTa?

Please visit this page for all the information on Visas and eTAs. If you are unsure, please visit the Dubai immigration website or Contact Service Agency and contact them directly for any additional information.


Can I get an invitation letter without a passport?

No, we do not issue invitation letters to attendees who do not have a valid passport, and will not provide invitation letters for passport applications.


Can I get an invitation letter for my spouse who is accompanying me?

We only provide invitation letters to registered attendees of the congress who have paid all their registration fees.


I have not received my invitation letter. Is this normal?

Invitation letters are sent out automatically on Mondays and Thursdays. If any information is missing from the Invitation Letter, we cannot send it out to you and will send you an email to remind you that information is missing.


More information

what should I do if I need further information that is not present on my mind now?

Please click on the top menu of the website (contact us), you will find an e-mail address and a contact mobile number, we will get back to you ASAP with a satisfactory answer for your query.